

Preparing for the Kingdom of God

TIME IS RUNNING OUT for people to become more adequately prepared for a Third World War. It is this coming prophesied war that will precede Christ’s second coming. The Church of God – PKG is working to help people be far better informed about those things that are already happening which are now about to lead into major catastrophic events.

There may only be months or even weeks left to prepare for these horrific things that are fast closing in. God established His Church on the annual Holy Day of Pentecost in 31 AD, and that Church has always carried His name—the Church of God. It is the oldest and it is the original Church that calls itself Christian.


The greatest influencer in this world during the past hundred years has been the United States. It has been at the forefront in creating the world’s economic system, weapons of destruction, and technology that is responsible for our modern lives. Yet today, the result of this influence is worldwide chaos. Economies are on the brink of collapse, algorithms are pushing people to extremism, and nations are edging ever closer to world war.

The United States will be the first to fall and the events that take place will lead to mankind’s last war. However, God has always sent warnings before destruction would come. This book is that warning, but it is also about a far better world that is coming.


  About Ronald Weinland